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Weekly Wordcount Check-in: 250, 500, 1000 wds/day

Do you need a wordcount challenge with some leeway?
Check out the challenges below:
250 wds/day | 500 wds/day | 1000 wds/day

So how did you all do with your daily wordcount challenges since the last check-in?

Reader Comments (13)

Much better. I made four days out of my target five. Now the trick is to keep the momentum going...

March 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKat

I hit five of seven days more than 1000. I took Friday off then went up north to my mom's for the weekend. Saturday, I had good intentions but didn't get my 1000 in.
WHY? I am pleading sugar coma on account of the fact that my uncle made me two birthday cakes - one spice cake and one angel food cake both with buttercream frosting (lots of it) and my mom and friends got me a chocolate cake with mint frosting.
I know, weak defense.

March 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTracy Mangold

I had a horrible, horrible week for writing. I think I mapped one chapter and that was it.

Recommitting to this right now: six hours of editing work this week, no excuses.

March 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDunx

I'm so happy! I made it this week, 5 days of 250 words. I'm actually sprinting towards the conclusion for my story (so excited because before I was meandering towards it but now I'm moving with purpose). I don't think I would be so close to the next dreaded stage "editing" without this challenge. Wrote 1568 words this week. I know it pales into compasrison to those who write 1000 words a day but it's what I can manage.

March 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCassi

I did fairly well last week. I managed to write 500 words plus 5 times. I find since I give my self permission to skip up to two days I often do skip two days. I'm happy nonetheless because I might have reached a point in my story where it gathers momentum again (at least I hope so), and I even managed to start and finish a completely new story for my writing group homework assignment. And that was the day I wrote 1,300 words! And I even managed to write the very next day. Not the one after that, though. I seem to have a "Friday problem"...

(Sorry, for blathering, I'm tired.)

March 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSusanne

Yay, I hit over 1000 words a day this week!! Your blog is so motivational! Only a few more weeks of this, and I should be finished with my book :)

March 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMarisa

Wow. Congrats, everyone! I am so encouraged to see several people making their goals.
I did better than well this week. I wrote at least 1k words per day, and some days I did more. More importantly though, I got past a part of my WIP that has been very difficult for me to write.
Now I look forward to writing the next segment.

March 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterReesha

I think I actually managed 250 or more every day this week -- yay! There was a lot of rambling on my blog, but I also got some decent planning for my novel out of it.

And now, I'd better get some words done...

March 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSatu

I think I'm going to start this week! I just found your blog and I suddenly feel more motivated to write. Great idea and awesome comics.

March 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEzmirelda

I managed 6 out of 7 days writing 500 words/day for the last two weeks. This week, however, will be a challenge: I am prepping for my dissertation defense next Monday. I will probably write though, because I am sure that I will have plenty of bitching to get off my chest as the day draws near.

March 15, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterellanbethia

Consistency was nonexistent this last week, but I made the weekly average for having written 1K a day. It was another terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week - which was salvaged by spending Saturday writing a "short" story that finished off at 10K. I'm going more for consistency this week, hopefully, rather than average, but I don't mind having been that productive. It felt good after last week!

March 15, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCid

I did a full 11,207 for the week last week. I guess forcing my own hand by taking down the banner pushed my hand enough to draw the words out of me. Not really sure. All I know is that after writing in such a fashion I felt wonderfully refreshed :) going to try to double it this week. At least meet the same amount so I can wear the banner with pride on my blog again.

March 16, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterK.D.Storm

I'm looking for a way to kick myself in gear and I came across this 1K/day thing. I think it's GREAT! Now I have some motivation! THANKS so much!


March 17, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDonica Covey

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